quinta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2014

Gay is not good

Contents, preface, foreword and chapter 1
2Advantages of the homosexual lifestyle
Real advantages
3A Brief history of sexuality
Famous homosexuals
The Bible on sex and the family
Other religions: Sex and the family
The Legacy of the Greeks
Socrates: A homosexual case history
The Greek love paradox
Generalizations on sexuality from history
PART 2. Scientific aspects of homosexuality
4Biological considerations
The rediscovery of heredity
Normal sexual development
Abnormal sexual development
Other biological factors in sexuality
The biological categorical imperative
Universal heterosexual love
5 ● Psychological considerations
Miscellaneous stimulus-response principles
Conditioning and learning
Psychodynamics of sexuality
Psychodynamic Paradigms
The decent homosexual — Psychological factors
Concomitants of homosexuality
6 ● The homosexual and society – 1
What do homosexuals want?
The homosexual citizen
The homosexual caregiver
7 ● The homosexual and society – 2
Problems with the homosexual administrator
Homosexual politics
What will be the result of homosexual politics?
Complex social issues
8 ● Homosexual fallacies: A primer
Loopholes in homosexual arguments
Homosexual errors
Inverse generalizations
Special topics
The weak scientific foundation: Kinsey, Bell and Weinberg, Masters and Johnson
PART 3. Prevention of homosexuality
9 ● Immunization against homosexuality
Principles of healthy psychological development
Guiding children through critical periods
Sexual options
When the child leaves the home
Psychosexual emergencies
10 ● Effective diagnosis and prognosis of homosexuality
A ● Medical evaluation
B ● Diagnostic evaluation
Types of homosexuals
Other possible homosexual types
A simplified classification of homosexuals
Prognostic evaluation
PART 4. Treatment of homosexuality
11 ● General treatment considerations
Early diagnosis and treatment
Beginning the treatment
The right therapist
12 ● Chemotherapy and surgery
Chemicals and drugs
Surgical therapy
13 ● Behavior therapy
Pavlov, Skinner, and beyond
What homosexuals think about therapy
14 ● Psychotherapy
Depth psychotherapy
Psychoanalytic methods
15 ● The homosexual influence – Now and beyond
Appendix A. Special biological problems in homosexuality
Appendix B. An Official government statement on homosexuals
Appendix C. Analysis of the Kinsey H-Scale
Appendix D. Building a library on healthy sexuality

Appendix E. Pre-homosexual checklist: Males
Appendix F. Pre-homosexual checklist: Females
Appendix G. Homosexual checklist: Males and females
Appendix H. Factors contributing to the higher incidence of male homosexuality
This book is the culmination of years of research on homosexuality.
As a professor of psychology for more than a quarter century, I have counseled hundreds of students. As a licensed psychologist I have worked with many patients. But the main motivation behind the thousands of hours required to bring this book to completion has come from my five children, four of whom are boys. Homosexuals have repeatedly approached my children, and I have counseled them in their encounters.
In the last twenty years homosexual activists have achieved amazing political successes in obscuring the issues, derogating thousands of years of human experience and research on the subject, and changing attitudes in the general population. Only recently has the general public become fully aware and increasingly alarmed at the consequences.
The last five years have seen a large number of books on homosexuality presented from the moral and religious point of view. During this time little or nothing has been published utilizing rational and scientific arguments regarding pathological aspects of homosexuality. This has amounted to an effective censorship within the scientific community, as well as among the general public. (I owe a special debt of gratitude to Thomas Nelson Publishers for having the courage, good sense, and sufficient concern for the future of our society to publish this book.)
At the same time there has been a plethora of both popular, political, and scientific publications presenting homosexuality in a positive light. The result is that millions of people are left  without rational and empirical foundations for their belief that gay is not good.
Professionals, and there are many, such as myself led the fight to decriminalize homosexuality. We insisted that homosexuals be considered as legal patients, not illegal criminals. Homosexuals deserve our compassionate concern.
But homosexual activists were not content with decriminalization. The momentum generated for an enlightened public by professional caregivers was used to subvert and redirect these high aims. Now homosexual militants insist that there is nothing wrong with their behavior, that homosexuality and heterosexuality are equal and normal preferential lifestyles. This simply isn't so.
In order to fill the need for a book that was both readable and informative, I deliberately selected the simplest and least formidable method of referring to original sources. This was accomplished by using numbers in parentheses in the text to indicate the location of a source in the bibliography. Footnotes were intentionally omitted since they often intimidate all but the most persistent readers or professional academicians.
In most instances sources referred to in the text corroborate the statement made; in a few instances original sources give an antithetical viewpoint. But in all instances they are relevant to the issue discussed.
Pam Jenkins, my secretary, helped not only in the typing but in correcting, editing, and organizing the manuscript.
I am grateful to my wife, Dorothy, without whose help this book would not have been possible.
Frank M. du Mas Augusta, Georgia Spring, 1979
What is a homosexual? What is a heterosexual? Is gay O.K.? Sooner or later parents and other caregivers have to answer such questions asked by young children. The answers are typically brief, devoid of scientific language, and given not so much to bring about understanding of the issue as to create a general attitude calculated to protect the young child until he matures enough to understand more complete answers. We reply: A homosexual is a boy who has sex with other boys or a girl who has sex with other girls. A heterosexual is like Mommy and Daddy, a man and a woman who make love to each other. No. Gay is not O.K.
But when these same children begin to mature, they discover new and powerful sexual emotions. A girl may now ask: Why can't I have sex with boys? A boy might ask: What's wrong with being gay? or Tom had sex with another boy; is he a homosexual? Sooner or later such questions come up; the answers designed for small children are no longer adequate. What are the best answers to these questions?
The same young people leave high school as young adults. A son goes into military service. A daughter takes a job in the big city, or a young person goes on to college. At college they have new experiences, gain new knowledge, discuss new ideas. When these independent, bright young people come home they no longer ask questions of their parents or former caregivers. All too often there are far fewer questions and many more pronouncements incorporating their newfound knowledge.
A young man states: "According to Kinsey, everybody has a little homosexuality in them. Dad, do you think you are smarter than Socrates? He and other intellectuals during the Golden Age of Greece were homosexuals, and they said that the love you and Mother have for each other is second-rate. They say Greek love, the sexual love between two men, is the best of all."
Or, a young woman comes home from college and states emphatically: "Mother, it's O.K. to have sex, but I don't want the bother and pain of pregnancy. Children are a drag anyway. The family is finished. I want to be carefree and gay!"
How are we to respond to these bright and knowledgeable, but still inexperienced, young people? It isn't easy. The typical parent is middle-class, of average intelligence, has a high school education, and possesses limited knowledge about sexuality. When a young person returns from the big city, military service, or the university, he has often had contact with highly intelligent, well-educated, articulate individuals with wide experience, not only in sex but also in other aspects of life. The average parent or caregiver finds it difficult to compete for the minds and hearts of these young people against such formidable influences. In the special field of sexuality, he needs the assistance of professionals who can help him guide young people in his care in the proper sexual direction.
Caregivers often find it difficult to refer young people to the right books and articles that can effectively answer their questions. This book meets this need by suggesting a three-stage library: Basic, expanded, and complete. So that these books can be acquired quickly, author, title, and publisher are given for each book. (See Appendix D.)
But all books presently available have certain limitations. Some are technical and written for professionals, while others are a little out of date because of new knowledge. Some do such an excellent job on specific aspects of sexuality that it would be hard to make another significant contribution in that particular area. For example, Cleckley's Caricature of love is an excellent analysis by a well-known psychiatrist of sexual sickness as it exists in literature and the arts. Dr. Hatterer's Changing homosexuality in the male gives so many excellent verbatim clinical case studies that another book in this area would be redundant. Dr. Bieber's Homosexuality is probably the finest psychoanalytic study on the subject ever made.
One book, Wyden and Wyden's Growing up straight, requires special consideration. (322) It is the only book I have found written for the average parent or caregiver with a specific intent of showing what is wrong with homosexuality and what is right about heterosexuality. It also gives readable, practical guidance on bringing up children and young adults to full and satisfying heterosexuality.
But even the Wydens' excellent little hook has some obvious omissions: They have little to say about the biological aspects of homosexuality; very little is said about homosexuals as caregivers and administrators; their comment on Greek love and the dialogues of Plato is very limited; and they have little to say about homosexual militants (H-militants), homosexual fallacies, homosexuality as a disease, the analysis of Kinsey's H-scale, the highly questionable conclusions drawn from cross-cultural and animal studies, and chemotherapy and behavior therapy for homosexuals. As far as it goes, the work of the Wydens has been done very well, and to a certain extent, this book is an attempt to extend or complete what they did not emphasize or left out. Consequently, all of the subjects above are discussed in this book.
This book is not intended to be a balanced presentation of the homosexual versus the heterosexual point of view. This book is one-sided because it presents heterosexual answers and alternatives to the many biased homosexual statements and demands.
This book fills a need for four groups of people: Parents, caregivers, individuals who are in conflict over their own sexual identity and want to know about the heterosexual's counter-arguments to the homosexual point of view, and those homosexuals or bisexuals who want to change to exclusive heterosexuality.

Part 1
 Chapter 1
Gay: Good or not good?
Gay is good!
Ten thousand homosexuals roared this militant slogan of the Gay Liberation Front (GLF) in Atlanta, Georgia. CBS television videotaped this scene for a special report, Homosexuality in America, aired in the fall of 1973. A woman stood on the platform facing the crowd and spoke into the public address system:
Gay is beautiful.
Gay is beautiful! The crowd repeated in a roaring refrain. In an echo magnified many times, the crowd repeated several such three-word sentences on the glorification of homosexuality. The litany finally ended with these two refrains:
Gay is normal! Gay is healthy!
Is gay good? Beautiful? Normal? Healthy? Children and young adults are asking their parents, teachers, doctors, and clergymen these questions. Magazines, books, movies, and other mass media are discussing homosexuality quite openly. Many commentaries on the subject are made in such a way as to suggest that gay is, as the GLF says, good, beautiful, normal, and healthy. (129) Children and young people seldom have the knowledge and expertise to defend themselves from such homosexual propaganda. They read and listen to these statements and then ask adults whom they love and respect questions about homosexuality.
Physical and mental pitfalls of homosexuality
Physical Pitfalls
Those of us entrusted with the care and guidance of young people are faced with the increasingly difficult homosexual problem. We are careful to protect our children from many dangerous pitfalls of modern living: We train them to be careful in crossing streets; we give them driver education so that they can survive on the highways; we teach them to be careful with fire; we instruct them on the proper use of knives and guns, and so on.
We even guide them past invisible dangers, such as deadly microbes, through physical hygiene. Some physical dangers are easily seen by anyone, such as poor driving habits, which result in terrible automobile accidents that maim and kill. Some physical pitfalls, such as disease-carrying germs, the growing child cannot see, so he must take on faith the guidance and direction furnished by those who care for him.
Mental pitfalls
There are also mental pitfalls that caregivers attempt to guide young people safely around. As with physical pitfalls, some of these mental, or behavioral, dangers are more visible than others. We try to teach young people that certain behaviors, when practiced repeatedly, become habits that ultimately lead to degradation, unhappiness, and misery. For example, we attempt to train our children not to steal because they could be imprisoned or shot when caught in the act. We train our children not to hit others because the consequences can be painful, disfiguring, or even fatal when the other fellow violently reciprocates.
There are also mental pitfalls whose consequences lie farther in the future and are far less visible. To train our children to avoid these is a much more difficult task. It is more difficult because not only are the rewards and punishments for these behaviors and mental habits more unreal to the growing child, but also the re-wards and punishments often lie far in the future. For example, we teach the growing child principles of reality testing, that is, to differentiate between facts and what really happens in contrast to daydreams and fantasy. We know that to habitually not discriminate between fact and fantasy is to encourage schizophrenia.
When we see a young person with a special aptitude, a knack or talent for athletics, mathematics, writing, science, music, or art, we help him to get the instruments or equipment he needs to advance in his area of interest. We spend much time and money to facilitate the full flowering of the young person's potentialities. It may be twenty or thirty years before the successful habits of living we have helped to establish in the child come to full fruition as an adult concert pianist, scientist, or physician.
Caregivers cannot do for the child what he must do for himself, but they can give him time and wisdom to help him on his way towards the successful achievement of distant goals. When we help our children establish good habits of living, we help them to avoid two prevalent pitfalls of modern civilization: Psychotic breakdown and wasted talent.
Mental hygiene
The establishment of good habits of living is called mental hygiene. Mental hygiene can be taught just as physical hygiene can be taught. Physical hygiene establishes the habit of cleanliness to avoid the misery of physical disease; mental hygiene establishes emotional habits to avoid the misery of mental disease.
It is obviously more difficult to teach mental hygiene than physical hygiene. This is partly due to the fact that habits involved in physical hygiene are usually demonstrable, cognitive, and conscious because the cerebrum is the part of the central nervous system most concerned with this sort of training. In mental hygiene, we are developing emotional habits that are less demonstrable, more complex, and more unconscious since they mainly involve the autonomic nervous system.
The cerebrum is involved in the highest level of rational and conscious mental activities. The autonomic nervous system is involved in the more diffuse activities, such as digestion, reflex behavior, endocrine glandular responses, and emotional reactions. Its functions are largely unconscious. The autonomic system is much more difficult for the individual to control voluntarily, and once autonomic or emotional habits are established, they are much more difficult to modify, inhibit, or erase. For example, it is easy to break the bad mathematical (cognitive) habit that says that 2+2=5. It is much more difficult to correct the bad social (emotional) habit of stage fright.
Reevaluation of homosexuality
In the International classification of disease (ICD-8) and the Diagnostic and statistical manual (DSM-II) of the American Psychiatric Association, homosexuality has been listed as a mental disorder under the general title of Diseases. (149,70)
During the CBS program previously mentioned, two opposing views were expressed regarding a change in the classification of homosexual behavior. In the last decade or so, homosexuality has increased in the United States, although its status in the rest of the world seems to have remained much the same. (185, 284, 285) An American psychiatrist suggested that homosexuality be reclassified as a disorder of sexual orientation and did not seem to feel that homosexuality, even though widely practiced, was something to be particularly concerned about. It is interesting to note that CBS found it desirable to go outside the United States to get an individual who expressed a view opposing a reclassification that would reflect a bland definition of homosexuality. The British psychiatrist who opposed the reclassification said that to take the proposed step towards the devaluation of the pathological aspects of homosexuality would be disastrous to our society.
The implications of the preceding discussion have tremendous relevance for the future. Parents who rear their children, teachers who already teach physical hygiene and will be expected to teach mental hygiene in the future, family physicians, and clergymen will be placed in the position of deciding how to guide young people toward the good life. If the present trend continues, it is reasonable to expect that caregiving adults will teach children that they have sexual needs to be satisfied and that there are several good ways in which this can be done. Since emergence of the gay is good philosophy, homosexuality has become in the eyes of many, an alternative, normal, and healthy way for developing humans to satisfy their needs for sex and love. If the trend continues, children of the future may well be taught that homosexuality is not only good but is as good as heterosexuality.
There have been a number of influential writers, such as Andre Gide, Edward Carpenter, and Oscar Wilde, who have said that homosexuality is not simply good nor just as good as heterosexuality, (120, 121) but the best possible way of satisfying a human being's needs for sex and love. The number of influential people who hold this "superlative" view of homosexuality seems to be increasing in both number and influence. (33, 57, 58, 210)
It is still true, even in the United States, however, that the great majority of people believe that heterosexuality is the best solution to a human being's need for sex and love. But the average parent does not have the necessary acquaintance with scientific research and literature on the subject to guide his children in any objective way. His convictions stem largely from his own personal beliefs and experiences in sexual relations. The average parent is also reluctant to discuss the subject openly and frankly with his children. If a parent or teacher is bold enough to broach the subject at a PTA meeting and wonder aloud why such things are not taught in school, the chances are very good that he will be greeted by cold silence, evasion, or hostility.
But parents are not alone in being uncomfortable discussing homosexuality with young people. Teachers, physicians, clergy-men, and social workers all find the subject a difficult and controversial issue.
Intimidation of heterosexuals
As a practicing psychologist and the father of five children, I myself have been increasingly concerned with the militancy of the Gay Liberation Front. Many worried parents and teachers have discussed these matters with me, asking for information and help in regard to the homosexual problem. I have searched the library for a book I could recommend, one that would present an understandable exposition of the relationship of health and happiness to heterosexuality.
In looking at some of the more popular and widely read psycho-logical treatises, such as Eric Berne's Games people play (35) and Benjamin Spook's Decent and indecent, (281) I found they give very little space to the subject. However, the impression one gets is that these writers do not feel that homosexuality or the sexual perversions are the best ways to satisfy one's need for sex. But there is a veritable deluge of books, magazines, and articles boldly pushing the concept that gay is good, normal, and healthy.
In contrast to the homosexual writers' aggressive claims, those who have recently published books in which heterosexuality is discussed positively have played down or are almost apologetic when speaking of differences between male and female and emphasizing the significance of heterosexuality for health and happiness. An example will clarify what I mean.
Dr. Benjamin Spock is a physician with an international reputation. He is one of the first medical men ever to be board certified in both pediatrics and psychiatry. His book Baby and child care has been translated into many languages and has sold tens of millions of copies. (280) He also has authored or coauthored several other books on the care and rearing of children and problems faced by parents.
Dr. Spook's book Decent and indecent was printed in 1969 and modified in 1970 and 1971. Of the five sections in the book, two discuss problems relating to sexuality: Section 1: Where does idealism come from? and section 2: Problems of sex and sexual role. Dr. Spock presents, in my opinion, a rather advanced and healthy view of the various aspects of sexuality he discusses. But throughout his discussions he seems very careful not to antagonize the ultra-liberals, the members of the new left, homosexuals, women's liberationists, or advocates of gay liberation. He gives a scrupulously fair and healthy view of pornography, obscenity, and brutality in the mass media; and yet he chooses to term his view as a reactionary view of obscenity and brutality.
As we shall see in later chapters, not only homosexuals but those involved in other subdivisions of the sexual perversions are organizing into political pressure groups who can, if they choose, make it extremely difficult for parents, teachers, clergymen, or physicians to speak out against homosexuality. I was a professor of psychology for many years, and I know that any professor who honestly feels and teaches that homosexuality is a perversion and that people who practice it should have help of some kind is in for a very difficult time at many colleges and universities in the United States. A highly articulate and politically effective group of intellectuals can be expected to form and work for his harrassment and degradation in order to force him out or keep him from disseminating such ideas. Consequently, few intellectuals and writers today dare to speak out.
Oberholtzer (234) has edited a book whose title is the question Is gay good? Kameny (163) and Shelley (273) have each authored separate publications whose titles are identical affirmative answers to Oberholtzer's question: They reply Gay is Good. Although it is late in coming, it should seem reasonable and fair for someone to take the opposite point of view and write a book entitled Gay is not good. This book, then, can be regarded as completing the third corner of the discursive triangle on homosexuality.

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